Is College Worth It?

Is College Worth It? More and more, people are realizing that college is becoming a waste of time, money, and energy. The financial impact is significant, with many individuals burdened by overwhelming debts that can take multiple generations to repay.

As school tuition continues to rise and grades become inflated, the success rates in the real world are on a decline, much like the unemployment rate during the presidency of Trump.. 

“Colleges barely teach, yet every year they increase their fees. Try that in a private business, you might get indicted for fraud. Do it at an American university and you get billions in taxpayer subsidies.” — Tucker Carlson Tonight

Is College Worth It?

OK… let’s review this…

A staggering 45 percent of students showed no significant improvement in learning during their first two years of college, while nearly 40 percent failed to acquire any new knowledge throughout their entire four years of study. Best home school program

CLEARLY College is not making People Smarter.

A significant number of students, approximately 35 percent, admitted to studying less than 5 hours per week, indicating a lack of dedicated study time among many.

Students reported spending an average of 2.67 hours per day on studying, whereas they devoted twice that amount of time to activities such as shopping, eating, and partying.

There has been a consistent increase in adult illiteracy, and it is alarming to note that most college graduates fall below average when it comes to cognitive tasks such as calculating the costs of foods in a grocery store.

College graduates in the US often test at or below the level of high school students in several other countries. This raises concerns about the quality and effectiveness of the education system in the US.

Top universities are experiencing a decline in their academic rigor, raising questions about the standards and quality of education they provide. The focus on research and reputation sometimes comes at the expense of maintaining rigorous academic programs.

College classes are becoming less demanding, resulting in grade inflation and higher average GPAs. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in private schools, where grade inflation is the highest. Paradoxically, despite more students struggling and failing, it has become increasingly rare for students to receive failing grades.

With billions of taxpayer dollars involved, the lack of accountability is alarming.. 

So what is the answer?

While the cost of tuition may not be as high, the accessible education provided has a proven track record of generating weekly incomes ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars for students.

Unlike traditional 2-year, 4-year, or 8-year course plans, this program allows you to learn and start earning within just a month to six months.

You can start your journey with as little as $97.

You might find it hard to believe, especially when comparing it to the undeniable scam that college has become for millions of Americans.

Plus, you get a 60-day money-back guarantee with your $97 investment.

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